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Our Vision for Science at St. Teresa's

At St Teresa's, we strive to deliver a high-quality, engaging science curriculum which encourages our children to be curious and inquisitive about the world around them. Through practical exploration, questioning and discovery our children's natural curiosity is sparked and a deeper understanding of the world evolves.

Our Science curriculum aims to:

  • Ensure that the curriculum evolves as the science world moves forward and engages the children’s curiosity and sense of awe of the natural world, to develop their enjoyment and interest in science, appreciating its contribution to all aspects of everyday life
  • Use a range of investigations and practical activities to give children a greater understanding of the concepts and knowledge of science while introducing them to the language and vocabulary of science
  • To embed questioning skills that develop problem-finding and problem-solving processes in the science world.
  • Develop the connection between science, as separate strands (Biology, Chemistry and Physics stars),
  • Make links to the STEAM and how science is complimented by other subject strands. 
  • Develop children’s practical skills and their ability to make accurate and appropriate measurements, to include developing the use of computing in their science studies
  • Extend the learning environment for our children through trips to environmental and learning areas, museums and welcoming science visitors to the school
  • Promote a healthy lifestyle for our children