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The 'Little Way'

The ‘little way’ is a simple spiritual approach to life that seeks to do ordinary things with extraordinary love.  St Teresa decided that everything she did each day– especially small boring tasks– she would do with great love.  She completed her daily tasks willingly and cheerfully, and she would show great love to all she met. 

She called this her ‘little way’. 

The ‘little way’ is a simple idea, but it is not as simple as it sounds!  It can be quite a challenge.  Can you imagine not complaining if you are asked to wash-up? Or not complaining when somebody cooks you a meal you don’t like.  Or being kind to someone who isn’t kind to you.  St Teresa’s ‘little way’ taught her to be patient and humble.

St Teresa’s ‘little way’ reminds us that anyone can be a saint and make a difference.