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Applying for a School Place

 Your application must include the following (where applicable):

1. A copy of the child’s Birth Certificate.

2. A copy of the child’s Baptismal Certificate (if the child has been Baptised).

3. A Certificate of Catholic Practice (available from your Priest if you are a practising Catholic)

4. The Supplementary Information Form – available via this link    

For clarity, these four pieces of information must be supplied directly to the school.

It is YOUR responsibility to ensure your application is complete and correct as above.

You are reminded that an incomplete application may alter its classification within the school’s published admission criteria.

Please note that the above four pieces of information are in addition to your main application which must be made directly to Essex County Council. 

 For further information please visit and follow the links to School Admissions.

THE CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS FOR SEPTEMBER 2024 ENTRY  is 15th January 2024 (in line with Essex County Council deadline) 

Mid-year applications: applying for a school place in Years 1 - 6

You can apply to change your child's school during the school year. This is called a mid-year admission.

From 1st April 2022, Essex County Council stopped handling mid-year applications. 

Your application must be made directly to the school.

Please see the information below for details of how to make an application to our school: 

Please read the following very carefully.

 Your application must include the following (where applicable) - all paperwork should be completed and returned to the school office.

  • A completed application form - available via this link 
  • A copy of the child's Birth Certificate 
  • A copy of the child’s Baptismal Certificate (if the child has been Baptised).
  • A Certificate of Catholic Practice (available from your Priest if you are a practising Catholic)
  • The Supplementary Information Form – available via this link

For clarity, all of the above pieces of information must be supplied directly to the school.

It is YOUR responsibility to ensure your application is complete and correct as above.

You are reminded that an incomplete application may alter its classification within the school’s published admission criteria.


School Appeals

If your child is not offered a place at your preferred school, you can appeal against the decision.   More information about this process can be found on the Essex County Council website which can be accessed via the following link: